Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What?! I have a Blog!

First things first. If you haven't read my About Me, head on over and read that short intro.

I am not typically one to write in a Journal or Diary. Sometimes I get that sudden urge I want to, so I start one. Unfortunately after about a week it gets pushed up under the bed, or stuffed in the nightstand, and sometimes may even end up being torn to pieces and pitched into the trashcan. (Wonder how that happens?)

If a blog is just like writing in a journal, why did I choose to make one??????

To many people it may seem like the exact same thing, but to me it's not. There is one big difference. It involves a computer!

For those of you that don't know much about me, I have a fondness for computers and technology. (Pretty much like any normal teenager that spends there whole day on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. The list goes on and on.)

That one reason makes me want to write about my experiences.

This leads me to the reason I named my Blog, A Fathers Joy. (It was so simple it was hard!)

My name, Abigail, is Hebrew and it means a fathers joy. (Simple enough right? Well its a little more than just my name, it's why I was named that.)

In the Bible Abigail was King Davids' third wife. She was a woman of Integrity as well as one of the most honorable and faithful women mentioned in the bible. The story of Abigail can be found in 1 Samuel 25.

Unfortunately when my mom found out she was pregnant with me, my dad was not too thrilled. I believe his exact words to my mom were, "So you got what you wanted?" and he stomped off. Now before you say something, he did have good reason to say that. My mom almost died with my older sister and my dad didn't want to risk losing her again.

Nine months later I was born on September 3rd, 1997 with black hair just like my dad. He was filled with such overwhelming joy at seeing me for the first time he said, "She has black hair just like me!". (I can imagine he had tears welling up in his eyes at that point.) So my parents knew that the name Abigail was the perfect one.

(I was about 3 months old)

So if you were to ask me what my name would be if I could change it, I would tell you I love the name I have and wouldn't change it for the world. I'm not only loved by my Earthly Daddy, I am loved  by my Heavenly Daddy.


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