Thursday, August 22, 2013

Food Fumbles. The Chicago Dog.

For those of you who don't know what a "Food Fumble" is, it is what I refer to as food that totally "Bombed". Or something that was so bad I will never eat it in my entire life again, even if it was the last available food resource on the planet!

Many of you already know that one of my favorite foods of all time is a hot dog.......

Although I know how unhealthy they are, and I know what they are made of, I can't pass up the offer of one.

(Mom ate a lot of those when she was pregnant with me).

Anyway. Recently I went to Sonic, and I have been wanting to try their hot dogs since they came out. So I got one......

For the longest time I wanted to try their Chicago Dog.

Reason I wanted to was because it had a pickle......and that was the only reason. (Maybe I should have thought it through more....OH WELL. To late now).

It had pickles, relish, tomatoes, peppers, celery salt, and mustard, on a poppy seed bun.

When I got this after ordering, it obviously didn't look like that. But to my surprise, it smelled like a hamburger. So I thought it would taste like one.....

I was wrong!

It was the worst hot dog I had ever eaten in my life. (And I never say that a Hot Dog is bad)!

First off. It was the messiest hot dog ever. That wasn't the worst part!

The first bite I took was awful. The only way I know to describe it to you is to say it tasted like a "vinegar bomb" blew up in my mouth! (That was probably because of all the pickles, relish, and peppers).

Shortly after I had eaten it, (which I shouldn't have) I got really sick to my stomach. It was terrible. Needless to say, I didn't want to eat hot dogs for a while.

Don't get me wrong. Maybe people in Chicago like there Hot Dogs like that, but obviously this girl didn't.

It was clearly a Food Fumble, and I will never try it again.

Do you have any "Food Fumbles"? If so you should share them in the comments below.


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