Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tell everyone it's my Birthday. Sweet Sixteen? Gifts? Milestone?

Recently I turned the BIG 16!!!! Specifically September 3rd.

And what better way to bring in a new blog post than with a song. (Or a clip of a song). Selena Gomez-Birthday has been "My Birthday Song" for this year.

I know what you're thinking......"You turned 16, so will you have a Sweet Sixteen?"

Absolutely. But the details are still being worked out. So some specifications are being finalized.

The party will actually be part of my Birthday Present, and speaking of Birthday Presents, I got some pretty amazing ones in my opinion.

*Just a disclaimer, this is not in any way to brag about what I have/got for my birthday. I would like to personally thank everyone that got me something this year.*

This is actually from "A brother I never had", and you know who you are.......I got a Duck Dynasty Pillow!

To the person that got me this, you know me so well! I couldn't have gotten a better gift.

To my wonderful Aunt that got me exactly what I wanted......A BLENDER!!!!!! Thank you!

(And yes, for your information I did want a blender for my birthday. I can now make smoothies!)

My parents are giving me a party, but they also got me a much needed desk. To them I want to say, "You guys are the best, and I couldn't thank you more!"

Finally my Beautiful Sister made me a poster, which means a lot to me. And she is also giving me a SHOPPING SPREE!!!! (A girls best dream coming true).

I once again want to thank all these people for the most amazing gifts a 16 year old could ask for! And I love you all very much.


Is turning 16 a milestone???

Well of course it is. That's why they call it a "Sweet Sixteen". I have to say, this birthday has been pretty sweet, and it's not even over yet!

It's not about the gifts, the party, or even that you turn 16. It's about the time you can spend together with friends and family to celebrate life and precious time together. I wouldn't trade that for the world.

I once again would like to thank all of you for your love and support. As well as the amazing gifts and birthday wishes. Without you it would just be another day. I love you all!


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