Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tricuspid Valve Prolapse. Living with a heart condition.

If you missed my very first post, you can find it here.

As many of you probably already know, or have read in my About Me Section, I have a heart condition. It is known as Tricuspid Valve Prolapse. If you don't know or aren't sure what this is, I will explain. (I understand if you don't want to read this "boring" informational stuff. If so skip to the next paragraph). There are four valves in the human heart. When a valve "Prolapses" this means the "flaps" of the valve don't close properly. When it doesn't close properly it flops back and forth instead of closing tightly. This can allow the blood being pumped into your heart to go in two directions rather than just one. (This is known as a "Leaky" Valve or Valve Regurgitation).

Specifically my Prolapse occurs in the Tricuspid Valve which is located on the right side of the heart and consist of three "flaps". Fortunately my valve is not leaking.

I know that I am so blessed not to have a worse heart condition than I do. When I go to the pediatric cardiologist, I see all these little children and their situations are so bad they can't do some of the things you and I take advantage of every day. Just like running or walking. Honestly, it breaks my heart to see 3 and 4 year old children not being able to be kids because of the condition their hearts are in. It is truly a humbling experience to realize I could be in worse shape, but I'm not.

This allows me to share my testimony with you.

When I was born I had a heart problem. The doctors informed my parents that I had the possibility of not living. I am proud to say I was healed of that.

About three years ago my school was giving free EKG's, and I kept pestering my parents about getting one, and they kept writing it off. They even threw the information slip away. I was so persistent I got several of those slips until my parents finally gave in unhappily to allow me to get one. From this I found out I had an enlarged heart. Ironically enlarged hearts are more commonly found in males and people that are overweight. (I obviously wasn't either of those, and I'm still not.) Once again I was healed of that.

Finally I was diagnosed with Tricuspid Valve Prolapse. (What I have now). This was actually very rigorous to discover. I had so many EKG's and ECG's (Ultrasound of the heart) done, it was frustrating. (I had about 15 million done in two months.......maybe I'm exaggerating a little). I can live a totally normal lifestyle, but I must be very careful what I choose to do. I can't overexert myself and I can't have a lot of caffeine. I choose not to drink that much anyway. (But for some of you, that's not even imaginable, especially you Coffee Junkies).

Clip of a normal heart ultrasound. (You may have to replay).

I know what you're thinking. Why aren't you healed of this? But my condition has diminished so much in the past two years, that it is barely even prevalent. Eventually it could even disappear completely.

(This image is the Ultrasound of my heart from 2011, although not the best quality)
(The arrow points to the Tricuspid Valve)

I'm not going to lie......I do get a bit of anxiety knowing that one of the most important organs in my body, that allows me to keep living, has a deficiency. (Who wouldn't?) Because I am cared for and watched over by the helpful aid of Doctors, my parents, and most importantly God, I know I don't have to live in fear.

Regardless of your circumstances, neither do you!


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